- 1. Barry Meguiar May Be 'Car Crazy,' but His First Love Is Jesus
- Talk to most successful businessmen, and you hear about their work. Talk to Barry Meguiar, and you hear about his faith in Christ and his love for sharing the gospel with others. The longtime host of ...
- Created on 27 December 2021
- 2. How Bob Kilpatrick Wrote 'In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified' as a Private Worship Song
- When he wrote the song, "In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified," in 1976, Bob Kilpatrick didn't intend for it to be sung publicly. On a recent episode of the Strang Report podcast, Kilpatrick told me he only ...
- Created on 26 May 2021
- 3. Ron Luce Offers 4 Dynamic Keys to Reaching the Next Generation for Christ
- Ron Luce has a passion to reach the next generation with the gospel. He has translated his years of experience with teens and international missions to his current ministry, Generation Next, which seeks ...
- Created on 28 April 2021
- 4. Practical Keys to Move You Closer to Your Big Goals
- Vision and goal-setting are topics you hear pretty regularly in the business world. But the Bible actually has a lot to say on the matter too. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people ...
- Created on 06 March 2020
- 5. Scores of Illegal Immigrants Accepting Christ Every Day at Southern Border
- Everyone in America is an immigrant or is descended from immigrants. And today, immigration is still very important to the health of our nation. Yet there is a crisis at the southern border that we can ...
- Created on 17 April 2019
- 6. Gordon Robertson: 'I Grew Up in CBN but Didn't Know Miracles Until I Went to India'
- ... sees numerous salvations and miracles each year through CBN Asia, which he founded in 1994 with his father. In my exclusive interview with Gordon Robertson for my "In Depth With Stephen Strang" podcast ...
- Created on 21 March 2019
- 7. Prophetic Networking Group Fulfills Christian Professionals' Need for Spirit-Led Mentoring
- There seems to be no end to the business books—even Christian ones—flooding the market. But how many marketplace Christians can actually connect with the authors of those books to get specific insight ...
- Created on 13 March 2019
- 8. Thousands Commit to Fast, Evangelize in Fulfillment of Lou Engle's 7-Year-Old Prophetic Word
- Last weekend about 58,000 people gathered at The Send in Orlando, Florida, to receive a commission for evangelism. I attended the conference and was impressed with the humility I saw. Instead of highlighting ...
- Created on 04 March 2019
- 9. Why Spirit-Filled IHOP Founder Mike Bickle Used to Preach Against Charismatics
- ... compelling stories—including how he got saved despite growing up in a non-Christian home—listen to my in-depth interview with him below. And be sure to subscribe to my new podcast, "In Depth With Stephe ...
- Created on 22 February 2019
- 10. Frank Amedia Prophesies: February, March Will Be Months of Chaos for Trump
- President Trump's border wall and our government's shutdown still dominate the news. While leftists bash Trump and his agenda, pastor and prophet Frank Amedia says building walls around our nation's borders ...
- Created on 18 January 2019
- 11. Can This Film Overturn Supreme Court Ruling That's Killed 54 Million Babies?
- Since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, over 54 million babies have been aborted in the U.S. The country remains divided over the issue of abortion, making Roe v. Wade arguably the most controversial ...
- Created on 17 January 2019
- 12. Stephen Strang: How I Remember George HW Bush ...
- The eulogies have been pouring in for former President George H.W. Bush this week. Many of them are very eloquent, saying what a great American he was and how devoted he was to his family, country and ...
- Created on 03 December 2018
- 13. How Trump Honors Evangelicals More Than Any Democratic or Republican President Before Him
- If you've been reading my Strang Report newsletters and listening to my podcast lately, you know I've been talking about my new book, Trump Aftershock. I'm trying to create interest in the book, which ...
- Created on 16 October 2018