These wonderful things are taking place and you may not even know it.
What This Kingdom-Minded Business Is Doing to Reach Children for Christ

This organization is bringing fun to children's church in an age of distraction.
This organization is bringing fun to children's church in an age of distraction.
These wonderful things are taking place and you may not even know it.
What is your first thought when you think of attractive churches? Is it the building, or is it the people?
This topic will cause some discomfort for many of you. The very thought of the presence of power groups seems contrary to the spirit and grace of the gospel. But power groups are very real in churches.
Perhaps our comfort level can increase a bit by calling the groups “influencers” rather than power groups. Choose your label. The fact of the matter is that most churches have a clearly known group that carries the most influence in the church. And it is not unusual for that group to have a clearly known leader.