Put the gold back in your "Golden Years."

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Put the gold back in your "Golden Years."
Here are three ways leaders can battle the insecurity that drains and defeats.
The leader in you needs to be grateful and have a good understanding of God's blessing.
The State of the Plate surveyed nearly 1,600 pastors, leaders and laypeople to assess the current state of giving to churches in America.
Large or small, every church can be a resource giant for God's kingdom.
If you think one of the six reasons is high salaries for each person on staff, you're wrong.
If we invest in eternity—in God's eternal purposes—we'll enjoy our investment forever.
A study also reveals that many pastors struggle to secure long-term personal financial stability.
Here are six perspectives on the matter. What is your church's practice?
Has it become the new normal for American churches to "just get by?"
There is a simple checklist to help you get started.
Check these out. It should make things a lot easier for you.
There are many economic blazes around the world ready to explode.
As citizens in the Kingdom, we must constantly remind ourselves who is in control, especially in times of economic crisis.
Do alternatives exist?
Many Christians don't understand exactly what it is. This should help.
Do you believe that the Lord will guide us through economic stress? Here's what we need to do.
Here's how superior and vastly different God's kingdom is from any worldly economic or political system.
The percentage of churches that have gone to this method for tithes and offerings is lower than you might think.
When we don't physically see the resources to get the job done for Christ, we must look beyond our circumstances.
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