The water of surrender is the most powerful sip of sustenance that one will ever partake of while he or she is in the service of the King.

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The water of surrender is the most powerful sip of sustenance that one will ever partake of while he or she is in the service of the King.
Some of these are pretty wacky.
Keep in mind, most of the Lord's people want to learn to pray.
Pastors, do you have any others to share?
Like positively charged protons, we can minister to our people by directing their gaze to the presence of God himself in heaven.
"Aim at nothing, and you're sure to hit it."
What do you think of this list? Pastors, what would you add?
Get to know the whole story about the church before you accept a position.
These will help pastors stay focused on what God has called them to do.
We are in this contest for life, so let's run with endurance the race marked out for us.
Here are five ways you can do that.
How to get your church's small groups past the 30 percent hurdle.
How we treat the preacher, God takes personally.
You won't hear pastors express these often, but they are very real.
Here is how to know if you're moving toward multiplication.
There needs to be a balance in churches.
These "marketplace" pastors are incredible servants who fill a huge need among American congregations.
If pastoral work were easy, people would be lining up to volunteer.
A recent LifeWay Research study yielded some pretty interesting results.
Where should pastors draw the line in choosing what to promote from the pulpit?