Watch Out for These 5 Ways Pastors Are Easily Manipulated There is no way we can altogether control being impressed or intimidated by people. We can avoid it with this knowledge. 2:00PM EST 1/25/2018
Biblical Keys to Spiritual Investment The Christian life should be a life of giving. 10:30AM EST 1/24/2018
Spiritual Greatness Starts at This Unexpected Point How do we as leaders move our nation, our communities and our congregations from being resistant to being receptive? 5:00PM EST 1/23/2018
3 Principles of Biblical Leadership From 1 Peter 5 If we are listening, the Holy Spirit is constantly asking us the same question. 5:00PM EST 1/19/2018
Why You Can Expect Significant Breakthroughs in 2018 The supernatural is required to fulfill the Lord's purposes for our lives. 8:00AM EST 1/17/2018
How Some Christians Become the Devil's Minions Make it your goal in 2018 to build people up, not tear them down. 3:00PM EST 1/13/2018
Secrets to Hearing God's Voice From an 84-Year-Old Prophetess This woman was only given three verses in the Bible. But her legacy leaves us a treasure. 2:00PM EST 1/12/2018
The Undeniable Reason You Can Celebrate Right Now God is definitely not a killjoy. 8:00AM EST 1/10/2018
Why You Desperately Need This Fruit of the Spirit in Your Life It comes naturally as you abide in Christ. 4:52PM EST 1/9/2018
Hard Experiences Can Teach You These 10 Irreplaceable Lessons I've learned a few things in life, but truly, the greatest things I know came through mistakes, failures and disappointments. 2:00PM EST 1/9/2018
Rick Warren: Passive Faith Is Not True Faith Here are some next steps you can take in your faith. 8:00AM EST 1/9/2018
A Realistic Routine to Remain Rooted in Your Faith The secret lies in the Word of God. 3:00PM EST 1/7/2018
The Mystery of Living Life Overwhelmed—And How to Stop The truth is that most of what overwhelms me is fictional fantasy rather than total truth. 11:00AM EST 1/7/2018
Set Your 'Spiritual GPS' for the New Year You can expect God to speak to your heart as you prepare for 2018. 3:00PM EST 1/6/2018
The Untold Benefits of Worshipping the Giver Some give to celebrate Christ's birth, while others give because of tradition, societal norms or commercial interests. 8:00AM EST 1/3/2018
Joyce Meyer: It's Not Too Late for You There is no situation too difficult for God to handle! 5:00PM EST 12/31/2017
Secrets to Breaking Your Frustrating Discouragement Spirals You don't have to stay stuck in your negative emotions. 5:00PM EST 12/30/2017
Why the Incarnation of Christ Is a Model for Our Whole Life This is something I never heard preached from a pastor during a Sunday church service. 11:00AM EST 12/30/2017
How to Make Your Decisions From a Blessing Mindset Time to seize your inheritance. 9:00AM EST 12/30/2017