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Fearful pastor

How to Avoid Being a Wimpy Leader

If you find yourself falling into that category, what can you do to change your circumstances? How can you confront your fears head-on?

Pastor authority

10 Ways to Spot an Unlikely Leader

Sometimes leaders emerge from places and in the form of people you never expected. Here's how to find those diamonds in the rough.

Empty churches

Fanning the Flames of Dying Churches

Do you know of any churches that are on the brink of extinction and are in need of a miracle? Here's an inspiring story of one who received one.

Small airplane

Small Churches Can Take Off and Fly

Remember how the Wright brothers started off small? You've got hopes and dreams for your church and your ministry, and here's how God will help you see them through.


3 Pillars of a Strong, Dynamic Ministry

Every church needs to be led by a pastor with a strong ecclesiology—a strong theology of church and mission. Here are some strategies to develop a strong, healthy, balanced ministry.


5 Vital Principles About Vision

There is nothing like seeing a vision that God has placed into your heart realized. Read why God has the final word on your vision—always.

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders