Is your life more driven by your lusts or your longings?

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Is your life more driven by your lusts or your longings?
Bob Rhoden, a former pastor and district superintendent who is now an executive presbyter with the Assemblies of God, reveals what keeps him alert and on guard.
While Americans appear to have mixed feelings about religious freedom in this country, preachers are a bit more uneasy about it these days.
By not talking about these things in church, aren't we missing the chance to call disciples deeper into their walk with Jesus? Aren't we giving popular culture the chance to have the final say on these issues?
In the second of a two-part series, 12Stone Church's Dan Reiland tackles how the agenda of church politics can be devastating.
Are you preaching the Good News about life with God and about His heart?
Are there specific signs for a pastor to take his cue and head out the door? Here are a few.
Connecting students to the truth is not intuitive for everyone. Do you know how to strategically pull apart a lesson and get to the heart of the issue?
Because the church is comprised of people, pastors must deal with problems periodically. Here are some suggestions on how to tackle them.
In this ever-busy world, is easy to limit your time with your sermon. However, you may be spending more time with it than you think.
If you want God to use you greatly, here are some things you need to do to make yourself usable.
When you are invited into the presence of the Lord to minister to Him, do you bring wholeheartedness, praise, humility, reverence and respect?
As a good steward of the ministry God has given you, which would you rather have—efficiency or balance?
Are some of these consistent with your experiences? Are there others you could add?
There are conventional ways to make your ministry better—but here are some things that may not have occurred to you as a leader.
Have you gotten burned out trying to fix people you lead? Who else do you know who has done that?
In the first of a two-part series, 12Stone Church's Dan Reiland takes a look at how the agenda of church politics can be devastating.
Are you, as a pastor and leader, guilty of trying to catch something that is simply going too fast?
Sometimes it's difficult for the older generation to connect with the millennials. Here are some good suggestions.
Sometimes even pastors have difficulty relating to others. Here are some learned skills that might help along the journey.