Millennials speak less and less about the subject, so the answer to that question may surprise many.

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Millennials speak less and less about the subject, so the answer to that question may surprise many.
What are your priorities for your children's ministry? Here are some things that should not be overlooked.
The debate about women in leadership roles in ministry rages on, but who can deny that women bring some things to the table much better than their counterparts?
Find out how the practices Jesus used to gather His disciples can still work for us today when we are putting together a team for His purposes.
Find out why some questionable queries—and their corresponding answers—can lead you down a primrose path.
Here are five key areas where the support of spouses of ministry leaders is especially needed. Do you have a specific story of a supportive spouse in ministry?
God always wants more of you. Are you hungering and thirsting for more of Him?
Grace is a hot topic right now, but everything that is being preached or taught about it isn't exactly sound.
The brand of Christianity has obviously taken a huge hit in America in recent years. Find out what can be done to reframe it through social media.
Are the songs you sing during praise and worship singable for your church members? Here's why you should re-evaluate some of your music.
When the Holy Spirit moved mightily at a recent academic conference, it was a moment no one wanted to see end.
Many Christian leaders are realizing the church can redeem technology and use it for a spiritual purpose. Find out how technology can enhance relationships instead of replacing them.
When you leave church, shouldn't songs about Jesus be running through your head instead of the church band's rendition of, for instance, Styx's "Come Sail Away"?
One of the true characteristics of leadership is letting your subordinates know the difference between having done something in error and improving on what they've done.
What types of strategies do you use to start new small groups? Here are some suggestions.
Do you find that guests are not coming back to your church? Could it be because no one really attempted to make a connection with them?
How are you doing in these four areas? Were you aware that you might need to tweak a few things?
It may be easier to trust your child's spiritual education to "professionals," but did you know that the Bible says that the true professionals are the family?
One of the worst things we can do to another person is make their struggle a universal either/or issue. Here's how we can avoid that.
Children's ministry leaders have a great deal of responsibility, and sometimes it's difficult to keep up with every little task that needs performing. Here, however, is a list of things for leaders not to do when it comes to their ministry.