There is more to sexting than you might think. Here are some things you might speak to your youth concerning the subject.

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There is more to sexting than you might think. Here are some things you might speak to your youth concerning the subject.
Don't treat those who only come to church on Christmas or Easter with indifference or disdain. Here are some things you can do to welcome them with love into the service.
Not every person in the Body of Christ has the same motivations, maturity levels, goals and emotional health levels. Find out how to properly discern between these three kinds of people.
The coming generation of spiritual leaders should give us all reasons to be hopeful. Here's why.
What type of people do you surround yourself with? Are they brothers and sisters who challenge you to be strong leaders and walk with God in gratitude and dependence?
In crossing cultural lines, have you observed the thoughts of your students when it comes to people different than themselves? Do you harbor the same stereotypes?
Do you have a set of safety procedures for your children's ministry volunteers? Which are most important?
Find out how young adults born between 1980 and 2000 are making a healthy and exciting impact on American congregations.
Paul was imprisoned and killed for planting Jewish and Gentile—in other words, multiethnic—churches throughout the Greco-Roman world. Read why we should embrace this idea with passion.
Do you have guidelines for where middle-schoolers versus high-schoolers can serve? Here are some suggestions.
How can you get your student volunteers to love what they do? Here are some suggestions.
A church's Internet presence says a lot about the church itself. Here are some things for churches not to do online.
Hanging out with students in youth ministry is great, but the primary assignment God has leaders is to present Jesus to them. Here are some tips for one-on-ones with the youth.
Are you showing your church's youth that you care more about them acting right or about what is going on in their lives?
Find out the most loving and respectful thing a wife can do for her husband on behalf of their marriage.
Most pastors and church leaders appreciate and love their volunteers. Here are some ways to get better connected with them.
Small groups are for everyone, including senior pastors. Find out why they should take part in one.
How are people in your church and community catching a vision for a new life? Matthew Barnett says it starts with one question.
Most churches have yet to master the art of streaming an online service. Here are some great tips.
Whether it's the husband or the wife—or both—here's some suggestions on how to encourage your mate in doing God's work.