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Higher Education

Whether you're just embarking on your Bible college studies or desiring to continue your education toward a higher degree, the following tips can help you find the program that's best for you. read more

Preaching in a Postmodern Culture

It is the heart of every pastor to reach the lost and disciple them in the ways of Christ. But some of us will never be successful at doing this because we do not understand the postmodern culture around us. read more

Fight For Your Marriage

Attention pastor's wives: Satan is out to kill your marriage and destroy your ministry. But God has given your the tools to defeat him. read more

Jumping Ship

More than 19,000 pastors per year jump overboard when the seas of ministry get rough. How can we prevent this? read more

When Pastors Need Deliverance

Why do some Christian leaders--who appear to be pillars of strength--fall into sin? Here's a look at how pastors get caught in the enemy's snare, and how they can break free. read more

The Real Heroes

Outside the small pool of fallen leaders, we have an ocean of great, Christlike examples. read more

Giving That Feels Good

Some pastors cringe at the thought of preaching on finances. But helping others discover the blessings of giving can be an enjoyable--even exciting--experience. read more

We Still Need Seminaries

In a rebuttal countering the argument that seminary education may not adequately train pastors for ministry, the dean of the School of Theology and Missions at Oral Roberts University stresses the important role they play in training the leaders of tomorrow.

Peter Wagner's critique of North American seminaries presented in his book Churchquake and in two Ministries Today articles ("What the Doctor Recommends," July/August 2000; and "Are Seminaries Making the Grade?" September/October 2000) can be summarized as follows: read more

Why You Should Preach About Finances

Some pastors avoid talking about money because they're afraid of turning people off. But are you shortchanging your flock if you don't teach on biblical principles of stewardship? read more

Why People Leave the Church

It is unavoidable--people will leave your church, sometimes for valid reasons, sometimes not. Here are the top five reasons people abandon the house of God, and how to handle it when it happens. read more

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