We have been "predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will" (Eph. 1:11b).
God is a long-view leader who sees the end from the beginning and is at work in all things to accomplish His eternal purposes. We are called to lead like He does.
Contrary to popular belief, nobody changes the world in five months or even in five years. The people who are changing the world today didn't start yesterday; most of them started 40 years ago.
For example, in 1969, the New York City police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. What resulted was several days of protest and rioting. This was a key catalyst for the gay rights movement. But it soon became clear the protest and riots were not going to bring about the changes that the gay community desired. As a result, they began to adopt long-view strategy that eventually formed the agenda that was documented in the 1987 article called, "The Overhauling of Straight America." The authors of this article outlined a long-view strategy that has been carefully implemented over the last 35 years. And guess what ... it worked.
In fact, almost every cause and agenda of this moment, including climate change, critical race theory, neosocialism, antifa and more are all the result of decades of long-view efforts.
During the same time period, the church of Jesus Christ in the Western world has lost considerable impact and influence in almost every sphere of society. The body of Christ has been commissioned by Jesus to be salt and light, transforming this world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet we have become preoccupied with buildings and budgets, worship and preaching, members and methods and a thousand other short-term priorities. While all these things are important, our lack of long-view strategy has created a vacuum of leadership that has been filled by others.
As we examine the challenges of the last two years, it becomes clear church is in serious need of a leadership upgrade. We have focused too much on short-term strategies and solutions and have lost long term leverage. If we don't make significant adjustments soon, we may lose our culture altogether.
In spite of all of this, I am filled with overflowing hope! I believe that God loves our planet for more than we do and that He intends to bring about a transformation in His people that will bring transformation to this earth. And there are three key elements that will bring about this change: reflection, revival and reformation.
3 Key Elements That Bring About Change
— Reflection: I am sure you have heard the "definition of insanity." Another way of saying this is that the body of Christ in its current state is perfectly designed to achieve the results we are already achieving. If we want different outcomes, however, we need to change. Change is as simple as ABC. Admit there's a problem. Believe there's a solution, and change your beliefs and behaviors to embrace the blessing.
— Revival is the infusion of new life from the Holy Spirit, as we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our own ways. We need personal, churchwide and global revival if we hope to restore the church to the place of influence that Jesus ordained. Throughout history, revival in the church brings awakening in the world, ultimately touching and transforming every sphere of society.
— Reformation begins with the recognition that the way we are doing church is not producing the results Jesus commissioned us to produce. In the Reformation, Martin Luther declared 95 areas where the church needed to change. One of the most significant problems he addressed was the separation of priesthood and laity. Luther declared the "priesthood of every believer," but sadly, he never changed the program of the church to produce this result.
It's time for another reformation, one in which every member is equipped and empowered to discover his or her God-given destiny. It's time for the church to embrace a long-view strategy that trains and sends every believer to transform every home, school, business and community for the glory of God and the good of all. It's time to raise the leader-level of every believer to become the world-changer that God created them to be.
Join us on this journey at leadersalliance.org.
Michael Brodeur is the director of Catch the Fire Leaders Alliance. Visit destinyfinder.com and pastorscoach.com for more invaluable resources.
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