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Research: Churches Are Regaining Their Financial Footing as Economy Improves

This False Gospel Pervades American Culture—But Can Kill Your Soul

Are Profits Evil?

Practical Steps for Rising Above National Panic Week
The panic can be particularly acute for people struggling with debt burdens and unexpected tax liabilities. So let's review some tax wise ideas which we hope can help relieve the panic.

The 2 Corinthians Principle in Guarding Your Financial Privacy
Financial privacy is your right and is an important component of financial freedom. Protect your family while you still can.

Little-Known Tax Facts That Will Obliterate Your IRS Fears
Many find tax time a fearful experience. It doesn't have to be that way for you.

Solid Evidence for Why You Should Add an Online Giving Option
It makes sense why this large demographic started using it.

Busting Fearsome Myths About Your Tax Forms
Don't fall for the scam many creditors use to try to get more money out of you.

Important Stats and Tips to Remember if You Want to Reach Your Savings Goal
Financial freedom is an attainable goal for everyone with a little knowledge and a little time.

Consider This Truth Before You Go Into Debt for Your Ministry
Some debt is oppressive bondage, while other types of debt can actually lighten the load. Here's how to discern between the two.

An Oft-Ignored Step to Eliminating Your Debt Burden
If you want to retire by age 67, keep this in mind.

5 Investment Funds To Teach Your Congregation
Investing in these is eternally important.

14 Questions Church Leaders Should Ask About Finances
This should motivate your church to look at its expenditures and budgets in a different light.

6 Reasons Why Your Church Offerings May Be Declining
How are the offerings in your church? Which of the six factors are affecting your church?

Kingdom Economics: Negative Interest Rates and the Law of Reciprocity
As citizens of the kingdom, we have sure promises that will not fail.

10 Ways to Unlock Your Church's Giving Potential
How can you overcome the resistance to giving that pushes against the desire to give?

7 Traits of Churches With Increasing Per Member Giving
What is your experience in church giving?

12 Questions to Help You Lower Financial Tensions in Your Church
The conversations won't be easy, but the proactive approach will be very beneficial.

Kingdom Economics: Economic Crisis or Hope?
The world might prompt us to panic about an impending economic crisis, but with the Lord's promises, we should know better.
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