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What are we doing in our churches to insure the flow of Kingdom finances?

Where Is the Great Disconnect?

What should we be doing to ensure the promises of kingdom finances flow to Christians in our flock and to our churches?

Pastors should preach about money. Here's why.

6 Reasons to Preach the Word About Money

Many people believe that pastors have an affinity for talking about money in their sermons. Brandon Cox says the opposite is true, and that it's a necessity for individuals. Here's why.

Money tithing

3 Steps to Closing the Giving Gap

When your congregation hears a sermon on money, many tend to protect their wallets. Here's how to approach the subject a little differently.

10 Things People Want Before They Will Give to Your Church

Money-tithingIt’s common sense: Church leaders can’t expect people to grow in generosity if it’s not talked about.

While some leaders try to avoid the topic at all costs, the truth is most churchgoers aren’t as resistant to talking about money as we think. In fact, many already give to a variety of organizations and causes.

This shows there is a gap to fill between what we know the Bible says about money and our willingness to act on what we know.

Talking about money in church can be tough for the person on the platform and the person in the crowd. But it’s not impossible to do—and do well. You just need to better understand what to say and when to say it.

5 Keys to Developing Financial Leaders in Your Church

Money and Bible-smallMost church leaders who don’t have a plan for engaging financial leaders in their church lack one for these two reasons:

1. The belief that engaging financial leaders will make them feel as if all the church cares about is their money or it shows favoritism to certain givers.

2. The lack of confidence to engage financial leaders in a way that encourages them to become significant givers.

However, as churches look to climb out of the tough times caused by the recession, we can no longer exclude anyone—including those with financial means—when it comes to developing a giving ministry. At the same time, confidence is developed when we know the proper techniques to use and the right questions to ask.

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders